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Hi jcalfee, Thanks for the reply:)
Before my program call this signing interface, it will call wallet related rpc on 8888 to make sure that the wallet is unlocked and already imported the keys to sign...
Hi , Any good news? :)
@XuNeal Thanks and it looks good for me. 感谢大神
another test case: the digest is "6cb75bc5a46a7fdb64b92efefca01ed7b060ab5e0d625226e8efbc0980c3ddc1" the private key: 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3 the eos v4.1.0 yields: SIG_K1_Kk1yUXAG2Cfo2qvWuJiyvaGdwZBQ1HzSf4EZ9arUTWBL4kTngLM1GSUU59bJUVAqwJ886CNQMcR7mmx323gjQGvhEU8WpX using the code by the above pr(and call "signHash"), it yields: SIG_K1_K7ZppaTdB9w8RKCLRC9kVwMhjGgCGRmBsfTVVYuVNKoFRgh6DNHuSEyKEsQjChNG5ZuqfWcpF MbEuL3rQKxsVmMKiZM3da Hi...
@XuNeal Thanks very much. I read the RFC6979 carefully and it looks like eosjs-ecc does not implement this specification strictly. But even I adjust the code to match RFC6979, it...
Hi , I think I've got the point. After I read the source c code that EOS use(, I got some insights about signing logic. The core idea is simple:...