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Before my program call this signing interface, it will call wallet related rpc on 8888 to make sure that the wallet is unlocked and already imported the keys to sign...

@XuNeal Thanks and it looks good for me. 感谢大神

another test case: the digest is "6cb75bc5a46a7fdb64b92efefca01ed7b060ab5e0d625226e8efbc0980c3ddc1" the private key: 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3 the eos v4.1.0 yields: SIG_K1_Kk1yUXAG2Cfo2qvWuJiyvaGdwZBQ1HzSf4EZ9arUTWBL4kTngLM1GSUU59bJUVAqwJ886CNQMcR7mmx323gjQGvhEU8WpX using the code by the above pr(and call "signHash"), it yields: SIG_K1_K7ZppaTdB9w8RKCLRC9kVwMhjGgCGRmBsfTVVYuVNKoFRgh6DNHuSEyKEsQjChNG5ZuqfWcpF MbEuL3rQKxsVmMKiZM3da Hi...

@XuNeal Thanks very much. I read the RFC6979 carefully and it looks like eosjs-ecc does not implement this specification strictly. But even I adjust the code to match RFC6979, it...

Hi , I think I've got the point. After I read the source c code that EOS use(, I got some insights about signing logic. The core idea is simple:...