Adam Bretz

Results 9 issues of Adam Bretz

Would it be possible to expose the `cache-location` option available to the gulp plugin?

Get the tests working by reading and sending actual file contents.

How can I limit the locales that are loaded from `'./data/packed/latest.json'`? I already read and implemented the suggestions in but that only impacts "moment" when it loads up it's...

When trying to use a pretty standard `npx` command, I'm getting file not found errors. I've tried reshim and resourcing my shell to no avail. ```shell npx browserslist@latest --update-db npm...

Is there a way to set the attribute name so the automatically generated messages would use "alias" instead of the "attribute" name? This would drastically reduce the number of `message`...


Maybe provide a way in the config to sepcify which cache segment/name to use in case you want different caching rules for different routes.


Add some mechanism to blow away everything in the cache. Either via a route or on a timer. Also, is this even a good idea? Could we create a new...


Consider removing setting cache-headers directly in this module. Might be something better handled in user land.

breaking change