Adam Bretz

Results 9 comments of Adam Bretz

@JonasKress did you ever find a solution to this? I'm actually trying to do something similar. @RubenVerborgh would you reconsider exposing comments?

I really don't have an suggestions here... This is way outside my realm of expertise. I just know that trying to format a language with infinite depth `{}`s with regular...

``` variables: [ {name:"?s", comment:'comment'}, {name:"?p", comment:'comment'}, {name:"?o", comment:'comment'}, ] ``` For just a thought. I mean we'd have to discuss adding comments in general beyond just this case, but...

``` SELECT # comment (goes in a global query comment bucket) * #comment (goes with the select object) WHERE #comment (goes with the where object { #comment goes with the...

Same type of problem here. I'm getting an extra directory level in my output. Any update on this? - Gulp 3.8.10 as well - OSX - [email protected]

@StrangeWill did you ever find a solution to this? I have almost the identical need. I'm guessing you are trying to build something you can share around, pass the config...

CI failed. Did you run tests locally?

I'm interested in this as well. Most new JSON schema validators are expecting v4 style schemas so it diminishes the usefulness of writing schema in orderly.

I was having the same problem and rolling back to v0.237.0 worked for me as a temporary solution.