Aran Cauchi
Aran Cauchi
I too have stumbled on this issue, and I'm looking for a fix. I experimented downgrading cavy to 3.4.1 but no dice, it still just sits there and times out....
> I was able to overcome this by using Pretender directly for intercepting specific queries. Thanks for the suggestion on [how to implement a more fine grained passthrough](, turned out...
This looks like there is a problem translating the ceri-icon dependency during the uglify phase, which shouldn't be a problem after webpack has bundled all dependencies together
> Best solution here is to delete React Native and with it; your entire existing app. This issue isn't your personal soapbox.
I got around this issue by pre-generating/building a .js file separately that is then executed by maestro. My use case was generating formatted times/dates with moment.js, so pre-generating this data...