IOTA-tangle-explorer copied to clipboard
Error in building
Chunk Names
static/js/vendor.5e5a0381ee3bb07fbe8d.js 3.62 MB 0 [emi tted] [big] vendor
static/js/app.2d4c5402137aad281620.js 224 kB 1 [emi tted] app
static/js/manifest.a74e134a1093d40250ce.js 1.51 kB 2 [emi tted] manifest
static/css/app.0d2897a5be64bc6b24e7e7e7679e3cf0.css 9.69 kB 1 [emi tted] app
static/js/ 4.46 MB 0 [emi tted] vendor
static/js/ 1.74 MB 1 [emi tted] app
static/css/ 21.6 kB 1 [emi tted] app static/js/ 14.6 kB 2 [emi tted] manifest index.html 522 bytes [emi tted]
ERROR in static/js/vendor.5e5a0381ee3bb07fbe8d.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: name (Ceri) [./~/ceri/lib/wrapper.js:15,0][static/js/vendor.5e 5a0381ee3bb07fbe8d.js:46727,16]
Build complete.
Tip: built files are meant to be served over an HTTP server. Opening index.html over file:// won't work.
root@iZj6c1hdhubslyveeg4tskZ:/data/wwwroot/ npm run build
[email protected] build /data/wwwroot/ node build/build.js
⠴ building for production...[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/data/wwwroot/" as it exceeds the ma x of "500KB". ⠼ building for production... Starting to optimize CSS... Processing static/css/app.0d2897a5be64bc6b24e7e7e7679e3cf0.css... Processed static/css/app.0d2897a5be64bc6b24e7e7e7679e3cf0.css, before: 10023, after: 9691, ratio: 96.69% Hash: c03589392573a3263093 Version: webpack 2.7.0 Time: 24785ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names static/js/vendor.5e5a0381ee3bb07fbe8d.js 3.62 MB 0 [emitted] [big] vendor static/js/app.2d4c5402137aad281620.js 224 kB 1 [emitted] app static/js/manifest.a74e134a1093d40250ce.js 1.51 kB 2 [emitted] manifest static/css/app.0d2897a5be64bc6b24e7e7e7679e3cf0.css 9.69 kB 1 [emitted] app static/js/ 4.46 MB 0 [emitted] vendor static/js/ 1.74 MB 1 [emitted] app static/css/ 21.6 kB 1 [emitted] app static/js/ 14.6 kB 2 [emitted] manifest index.html 522 bytes [emitted]
ERROR in static/js/vendor.5e5a0381ee3bb07fbe8d.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: name (Ceri) [./~/ceri/lib/wrapper.js:15,0][static/js/vendor.5e5a0381ee3bb07fbe8d.js:46727,16]
What OS are you using?
Ubuntu 16.04
I'm using the same. I'm currently helping someone with the same problem (I think). I had the same problem too but forgot to document how I solved it. So I'm currently spawning a ubuntu VM and try to reproduce
@jimchen1980 btw does it say build complete on the bottom? I have the same error but the build runs fine. Also if you want to test you can run npm run dev
:) It'll open a browser with local page.
This looks like there is a problem translating the ceri-icon dependency during the uglify phase, which shouldn't be a problem after webpack has bundled all dependencies together
no, it does not run correctly, and all i only see is a blank page
I'll try to upgrade ceri-icon. When I started using it, it was in beta, maybe it's upgraded now.