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Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!

Results 157 next-translate issues
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**What version of this package are you using?** Latest. **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** Not an operating-system, NodeJS or NPM-dependent issue. **What happened?** If you were to do...

`next-translate`: 1.5.0 `next`: 12.2.3 i18n.js ``` const hoistNonReactStatics = require('hoist-non-react-statics'); module.exports = { locales: ['en', 'nl'], defaultLocale: 'en', pages: { '*': ['common'], }, loadLocaleFrom: async (lang) => { const commonTranslations...

Today after doing some package updates e.g. [email protected] next-translate crashes while trying to load the locale. Im importing my locales from a package inside my monorepo with: ./i18n.js ``` loadLocaleFrom:...

Needs investigation

Hi there! Thanks for a great library :) Question regarding Typescript: We have a Typescript solution using this library. However, we have not been able to find a way to...


I am using getServerSideProps in class component. When I am using next-translate/withTranslation api like this ````` import withTranslation form next-translate/withTranslation export const getServerSideProps = async (ctx) => { console.log("hello"); return...

Hello, I used next-translate for 6 months now. Today I decide to update the version of the library from 1.0.1 to 1.0.6. I updated nextjs to the latest version too....

Bumps [terser]( from 5.10.0 to 5.14.2. Changelog Sourced from terser's changelog. v5.14.2 Security fix for RegExps that should not be evaluated (regexp DDOS) Source maps improvements (#1211) Performance improvements in...


import Link from "next/link"; JSX: ``` ``` JSON: ``` "test": "stuff more stuff" ``` throws following error: `Error: Multiple children were passed to with `href` of `/` but only one...

Hello, I tried adding the next-translate library to my next config file and started getting this error: ``` Error: error: Expected ';', '}' or | 11 | from "../modules/LoginPage"; |...

Is there a way we can reference other keys in dictionary files? An example below: **locales/en/common.json** ```json { "one": "one", "you": "you're the $t(common:one)" } ``` **components/a-component.tsx** ```tsx const {...
