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Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!

Results 157 next-translate issues
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Hey! I've overridden the "loadLocaleFrom" Function in the config to load translations from the database. I also disabled webpack loader and added the ```await loadNamespaces({ locale, pathname: '/' })``` props...

Hi there, I work on a web application built with Next.js. Some pages are clearly fitting next-translate or next-i18next + Next.js philosophy: internationalization is URL based. Like /fr/blog /en/blog. But...

When not including one of the namespaces specified in `i18n.js` all other namespaces break without appropriate warnings in the console. Instead of notifying about the missing namespace, `missingKeyLogger(_a)` is fired...

Hi everyone seems that the lib detect getInitialProps on _app.js (or any other pages) with definition like below: ``` import { Provider } from 'react-redux' import store from '@store' import...


Getinitialprops is not being called when next-translate configured I tried with getServerSideProps and getStaticProps and it works fine but for some reason Page.getInitialProps which i define is not being called...

### What version of Next.js are you using? 12.0.4-canary.5 ### What version of Node.js are you using? v16.13.0 ### What browser are you using? Chrome ### What operating system are...

It's basically a combination of the logic inside the `DynamicNamespaces` component and the `useTranslation` hook. ## Usecase The `t` function returned from `useTranslation` is (in my opinion) the most developer-friendly...

The source code of an application should not be included in the production environment, but rather just the result of the build command. There seems to be dependencies requiring the...

bug As you can see, the root `pages` directory is not chosen if `src/pages` exists. However, Next.js has it [the other way around]( > `src/pages` will be ignored if `pages`...

My Component: `export function LoginForm() { ... } ` On the page I then use: `export { LoginForm as default } from '~/components/Login/LoginForm';` to display my component.