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Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!

Results 157 next-translate issues
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**What version of this package are you using?** 2.0.2 **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** node : 16.14.0 / npm 9.1.2 **What happened?** error - node_modules\next-translate-plugin\lib\cjs\loader.js??ruleSet[1].rules[13].use!.\node_modules\@ant-design\cssinjs\es\hooks\useHMR.js (12:0) @ error...

**What is the purpose of this pull request? (put an "X" next to item)** [ ] Documentation update [X] Bug fix [ ] New feature [ ] Other, please explain:...

**What version of this package are you using?** next-translate: 2.0.6 next-translate-plugin: 2.0.5 **What happened?** I get the following error when using the satisfies operator in a project with the next-translate...

**What version of this package are you using?** "next": "^12.3.4", "next-translate": "^2.0.5", "react": "^17.0.2", "next-translate-plugin": "^2.0.5" **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** MacOs: 13.3.1 Node: 18 npm v8.19.3 **What...

**What version of this package are you using?** 2.0.5 **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** Node: v18.14.0 npm:9.3.1 **What happened?** I have the configuration, and i dont wanna provide...

### Discussed in Originally posted by **mkbctrl** August 26, 2022 Hey, did anyone successfully setup the VScode i18n Ally extension to work with `next-translate`? Usually it does work out...


**What version of this package are you using?** ``` "next-translate-plugin": "^2.0.5", "next-translate": "^2.0.5", "next": "13.3.4", "nx": "16.2.1" ``` **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** `Ubuntu 22 LTS` `Node 18`...

When I pass my Next.js config through nextTranslate(), I start getting warnings about server and client classNames not matching, which suggests that the config is not being read by Next....

**What is the purpose of this pull request? (put an "X" next to item)** [ ] Documentation update [ ] Bug fix [X] New feature [ ] Other, please explain:...

**What version of this package are you using?** 2.0.2 **What operating system, Node.js, and npm version?** v16.16.0 **What happened?** i can not get lang json for route when i use...