April Mintac Pineda

Results 80 comments of April Mintac Pineda

[This comment](https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/10425#issuecomment-1077544709) pointed out that using a lower version of react-native-tab-view fixes the problem, so I opened it here.

> I've just faced the same issue, after some investigation I come up with a solution. This worked for me; `scrollViewProps={{ contentContainerStyle: { height: '100%', }, }}` Worked for me....

I'm currently having the same issue with ios only, but not with android... I use `TouchableOpacity` from `react-native-gesture` ```jsx console.log('pressed')}> Hello There ``` But if I use `TouchableOpacity` from `react-native`,...

> It's a known issue of KeyboardAvoidingView. Adding `flex: 1` to `modalStyle` helps Doing this will **partly** prevent the jumping, BUT it still jumps, in this case when you open...

I'm getting the same typescript error too, I opted not to use this library and just use URLSearchParams. ```ts import 'cross-fetch/polyfill'; async function main() { const formData = new URLSearchParams();...

In my case this happens intermittently (I'm not sure when) but I've never experienced this when building locally. However, building using `runners` on GitLab, this happens frequently (about 50 to...

I started to notice this error when I added this polyfill. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from#Polyfill

> The lazy loading approaches don't work for me since I'm using [the zsh hook](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#calling-nvm-use-automatically-in-a-directory-with-a-nvmrc-file) that automatically runs `nvm use` on each directory change. I want my node version to...

This will be a good addition to TRPC, right now, I integrated TRPC with Fastify and have to use a custom fastify POST endpoint.

> I think we must use frameworks like this > > `use_frameworks! :linkage => :static` > > In my case, I am using Firebase, and with react-native 0.70 and Firebase...