April Mintac Pineda

Results 41 issues of April Mintac Pineda

**Describe the bug** The callback gets called incorrectly on mac. **Example code** ```js keyboardJS.bind('c', () => console.log('c called!')); ``` - When I press `c`, it gets called, which is correct....

Having multiple plist files per schema is allowed in ios, we should be able to do version bumps on all info plist files.

`hotkeys.pause()` will stop listening to all hotkeys. `hotkeys.resume()` will start listening to all hotkeys if paused. If this method was called but not paused, then it should do nothing.

Enter in the following code: ```jsx ``` Notice that I intentionally left out arrow function like that, now you know what's next there right? The moment you type in the...

### Description I intermittently get the error below. I also opened an issue with eslint and they said there's not much they can do to help https://github.com/eslint/eslint/discussions/15763 so I'm opening...

I have a form that I'm encrypting with `react-native-rsa-native`: ```js const form = { value: 1, value2: 2 }; const encryptedBody = await RSA.encrypt(JSON.stringify(body), FORM_PUBLIC_KEY); const body = { encryptedBody...

### Current behavior When I press on currently active tab, the other tabs' touch events will no longer work ```tsx import React from 'react'; import {NavigationContainer} from '@react-navigation/native'; import {createMaterialTopTabNavigator}...

repro provided

```json [ { "test": "test value", "test1": "test1 value" } ] ``` json-viewer will not recognize this and therefore will not work.

See an example of an existing similar functionality: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/modules/_aws_sdk_util_dynamodb.html#unmarshall-1 When we fetch a record from fauna, we get things like `Ref`, which we obviously have to manually "normalize" before returning...

Related: https://github.com/aws/serverless-application-model/issues/206 I'm opening this up here as I think this requires immediate attention. I have a custom cloudfront in front of API gateway and I don't want anyone else,...