Hai @elevenjiang1 , Thanks for your comments. I observed similarly with the training epochs like you mentioned and also in addition that using a batch size of 64 strangely gives...
Hello, Please refer to this issue (the same problem is discussed in detail there): https://github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/dex-net/issues/36
Hi @Greg8978 , Thank you for sharing the pip compilation package versions. Could you please let me know the **python version** you used and also would like to know whether...
> I would actually advice anyone who wants to use Dex-Net / GQ-CNN to read this first: > > Silvia Sapora (Juin 2019) > https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/faculty-of-engineering/computing/public/1819-ug-projects/SaporaS-Grasp-Quality-Deep-Neural-Networks-for-Robotic-Object-Grasping.pdf Thank you so much! I...
If someone else have trouble in locating old poetry.exe, it might not be at `%APPDATA/programs/python/scripts`. For me the old version of poetry.exe was at `%APPDATA%\Python\Scripts` => Copying and pasting the...
Hi @noamgat , Did you manage to get a pipeline which overcomes these artifacts? I mean any other developments besides the above mentioned meshlab cleanup&filter...