Why is in documentation this function with 2 arguments: $file = $dropbox->download("/my-large-file.mp4", '/path-to-save-file-to.mp4'); but in source code is only 1? How to download file directly to filesystem?
Please change setFilterData($data) to: $filter = new \Expose\Filter(); foreach ($data as $index => $config) { if (is_object($config)) { $config = get_object_vars($config); } $filter->load($config); $this->addFilter($filter); } Thank you.
I have tested some formated sql scripts and after formated your regex not recognize some columns: for example this is not recognized: ``quantity` decimal(11, 2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',`...
When I reformat my query in PHPStorm regex for tables not work. Tested at will show me "Catastrophic backtracking has been detected and the execution of your expression has...
I found that using SHOW CREATE TABLE 'xxx' is different result. I have mariadb on development and mysql on production. Problem is for example DEFAULT, one is DEFAULT 0 and...
Hi, I tried use it in error handles to show debug_backtrace() with some problems. 1. Listing incomplete. Timed-out after 10.86s 2. When I have some global object with content in...
1. On this line is problem: $components = $this->splitRegex($subject); splitRegex() is static! 2. dont use deprecated mysql functions like: mysql_list_dbs, etc. 3. for: public function __set($name, $value) - make pair...
What permissions do I need setup when I got error? stackoverflow-login/dev_script/ line 17: log.txt: Permission denied
I have this code which will generate thumbnail for files which are not image: ``` this.on("addedfile", function (file) { var ext ='.').pop(); if (ext == "pdf") { $(file.previewElement).find(".dz-image img").attr("src",...
in function : `public function log($cmd, $result, $args, $elfinder)` is this code: `$log = $cmd.' ['.date('d.m H:s')."] ".implode('|',$args)."\n";` $args is multidimensional array because i see that $args['targets'] is array. I...