kalle (jag)

Results 65 issues of kalle (jag)

- PHP changes: - Added endpoint: `/apps/gpoddersync/personal_settings/metrics` via new `lib/Controller/PersonalSettingsController.php` - Added service `lib/Service/PodcastCacheService.php` that fetches the RSS XML and extracts metadata. - Added personal settings page to `appinfo/info.xml` that...

Hello! I'd really like a status page to understand if the synced podcasts are actually synced. I've already started implementing this and I am preparing a PR. I'm making this...

Adds IL2CPP specific constant checks in code according to @dngulin's guide at https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json/issues/1440#issuecomment-430510160 via new build `net462-unity3d` Manually tested in Unity 2018.3.11f1 in editor, WebGL, Windows (Mono), and Windows (IL2CPP)....

The CSS & JS files all respond with 404. Even using the example from the README.md I still get the same results. https://github.com/swaggo/gin-swagger/blob/b9e926c528e8b8269d0241b3053144235eef4e90/README.md?plain=1#L99-L136 ```logs [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It took me 3 hours to figure out why my collection documents only returned the rendered Markdown instead of the...


### What does this PR do? ~~Add defaultEntryPoints setting, like the setting Traefik v1 had. The defaultEntryPoints has no effect on UDP routers. To keep it simple, I only implemented...


### Welcome! - [X] Yes, I've searched similar issues on [GitHub](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/issues) and didn't find any. - [X] Yes, I've searched similar issues on the [Traefik community forum](https://community.traefik.io) and didn't find...


Fixes #520. Changes proposed in this pull request: - Added `.Values.componentName.image.*` settings that can override `.Values.image.*` (where `componentName` is e.g `fetcher`, `api`, `celery`, `ui`, `postgresql`, etc) - Added helper function...

**Additional context** Want to deploy our own build using #512 to our cluster while we're waiting for it to merge. Currently that's not possible without also building all other component...


Changes proposed in this pull request: - Fixed bug where user-sent notifications resulted in Python exception I've no idea what values you all want in these params, so I'm just...