kalle (jag)

Results 65 issues of kalle (jag)

Changed the `repository.Repository` implementation to use This means that password tokens are stored in OS keyring instead of in plain text on your disk. Screenshot from "KDE Wallet Management Tool",...

### Describe the bug a clear and concise description of what the bug is. Tried to do an update via `helm upgrade`, but got the error: `rendered manifests contain a...


The high-res images are upscaled and pixelated. So they still look bad when used as a wallpaper on big monitors. Looking at images like `2023/DigitalSWAG/Wallpaper-Desktop/shapes/6016x3384.png`, zooming in: ![image](https://github.com/dotnet-presentations/dotNETConf/assets/2477952/9c10ac00-1ea0-460c-8db6-7d812ca59214) Zooming in...

Hi! Having the license stored in a file named `LICENSE` is convention throughout open source. Automated tooling for extracting licenses, such as [`license-check`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/license-check), have a hard time when the license...

_(Last updated: 2022-03-03)_ ## Is this package compatible with `com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json`? No. Sadly not. Reason for this is the combination of: - Cannot have multiple .NET assemblies with the same name...

## Description The `com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json` version 2.0.0 and above has clashing GUIDs for the Unity assets, as mentioned by #139 and https://github.com/jilleJr/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity/discussions/135. Unity did not regenerate the GUIDS when they forked...


## Description Deploying as unity package is nice if you dont want to struggle with the Unity Package Manager. The package would basically be a zip of the /Plugins files...


## Expected behavior Building with MSBuild either via `dotnet build`, `MSBuild.exe`, or via Visual Studio 2019 results in all the different DLLs used in the package: ``` /bin/Debug/unity-aot/Newtonsoft.Json.dll /bin/Debug/unity-standalone/Newtonsoft.Json.dll /bin/Debug/unity-editor/Newtonsoft.Json.dll...


## Expected behavior When running playmode tests in standalone with Unity Test Framework when targeting Windows using IL2CPP as scripting backend that the built client starts and begins running tests...

help wanted

## Description Right now only in-Unity-editor playmode and the NUnit console runner is used for testing the project in the CI/CD workflow. This needs to improve to use more the...

help wanted