Florian Apolloner

Results 182 comments of Florian Apolloner

I also see `wlp3s0: CTRL-EVENT-BEACON-LOSS` every second in the journal. I am on Fedora 36 with a kernel from rawhide: ``` Linux apollo13 5.18.0-0.rc6.47.fc37.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon May 9...

Hi @lwfinger, thank you it seems as if disable_aspm_l1=y did help. Since I have no idea what those do, does it make to just keep this one on or should...

I think I found the issue, FireflyMobile does test support via: https://github.com/emansih/FireflyMobile/blob/4c7d3d121ca5127d19d5070f9b51c32f9ca047a0/app/src/main/java/xyz/hisname/fireflyiii/ui/settings/SettingsFragment.kt#L204-L205 The Android API docs https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/biometric/BiometricManager#canAuthenticate(int) note: > Note that not all combinations of authenticator types are supported prior...

I have verified that the attached PR fixes the issue and imo it seems to correct to actually ask for biometric authenticators. That said I am not really familiar with...

Looking through the code base there are quite a few areas where it would probably be easier if we just assumed that if psycopg3 is installed that we want to...

We are down to three failures :)

@timgraham I'd love if you could look over this and maybe test your cockroachdb backend against this. It would be great if I don't fully break it :)

> It might be that because CockroachDB has `DatabaseFeatures.nulls_order_largest = False` (unlike PostgreSQL), the loss of the second subquery in the `ORDER BY` is problematic. This is probably a result...

@timgraham I can reproduce your query issue when I set `supports_order_by_nulls_modifier = False` (which it probably is on old cockroachdb versions: https://github.com/cockroachdb/django-cockroachdb/blob/master/django_cockroachdb/features.py#L60 -- did you test against an old version?)....