Same issue here Edit: I have created a temporary fix and open a PR. But for now, you can use that one https://github.com/apogiatzis/ida-sploiter/tree/support-ida7
Ah yeah I know where this comes from. Give me some days and I will draft a fix
Firstly thanks for this handy package! That would be a really nice feature! If I find some spare time I will try to open a PR for this For the...
Updating python to 3.7.x worked for me!
What if you add a masking layer?
> If we're gonna do this maybe put the info in our wiki or something and use Zolo to just retrieve it? The info should be decoupled from the bot...
@eioake01 Thanks for your valuable contributions!! Just a minor suggestion, can you please rename methods/vars to snake case such that they conform to PEP-8? Finally, make sure that you run...
This is a breaking change. It will be merged with the next major release.
This is a permissions issue. Try adding a different checkpoint path in your agent config like this: `"checkpointFile": "/opt/aws-kinesis-agent/run/checkpoints",` (create the directoris up to `run` if they don't exist) and...
Thanks for the PR @RiverWalker92 ! Just merged it. Should I keep this open for further discussion?