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Enhancement Utils
URL Grabbing Mechanism
Zolos should be able to grab urls shared in any channel (using a regex to match the URI) and post it to a dedicated channel #links (only zolos should have write permissions to that channel) for archive purposes.
Exploit Searching
Use websites like sploitus.com, exploit-db to search for exploits. This can be useful during CTFs and pentesting
eg: !searchploit wordpress
Reverse Shell "Generator"
From a list of known "payloads" such as pentestmonkey, dynamically configure code with LHOST,LPORT and send it back in the channel.
eg: !rshell 4444
Attack Vector Payloads
Find attack payloads for XSS, SQLi, XXE, ...
eg: !payload SQLi MySQL
Hash Cracking
Use hashid
python module to identify hash format, and try to crack them using websites like crackstation.net
eg: !hashcrack 098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6
Use various tools such whois, nslookup, traceroute, ... to provide information about a target
eg !recon website.com
If we're gonna do this maybe put the info in our wiki or something and use Zolo to just retrieve it? The info should be decoupled from the bot
If we're gonna do this maybe put the info in our wiki or something and use Zolo to just retrieve it? The info should be decoupled from the bot
Totally agree on that. The data should be decoupled from the bot and configured at setup. We can always provide multiple integration options i.e. fetch from github, wiki, database etc..