Results 89 comments of Anpei Chen

the default configs correspond to the VM checkpoint, maybe you are using the CP checkpoints

Thank! I will update it next push. BTW, you can also set 'N_vis' to -1 for resolving this error.

Oh, thanks! I will update the Installation in the next version~

Oh, thanks for pointing out that and your kind words!

We haven't implemented the unbounded scenes yet. You can refer to this repository for reference:

you have to do revised the function in the dataloader because the current codebase doesn't include a similar API to adjust the intrinsic loading

We did not provide such API, but I think it is not difficult to do that just by parsing the vertex position and viewing direction to the network for the...

could you provide the link to the dataset, seems I didn't use the dataset before

Here is a DTU loader for reference: [](