Results 89 comments of Anpei Chen

Hi, thanks! It's equivalent to mod with distance_scale and adjusts the thresholds in building the binary volume or marching cude

The range of the scene_bbox should be able to cover the whole region to be reconstructed and near_far can be [1e-4,1e6] for a bound scene.

Oh, it's a typo, it should be convert_density_samples_to_ply

> Could you please specify how to convert density samples to mesh? Thank you! I used Marching Cube.

> Thank you Zain!

Oh, I produced the video with tedious steps, 1) save checkpoints every k step and render the target view; 2) using an affine translation to map the rendering results to...

Oh, forgot to mention that, I have updated the configuration of the CP model, the guidance can refer to README, thanks for pointing out this!

could you post some results here? generally, TV regularization term would be helpful for real data

Please not that, the tensorf is only able to handle the bound scenes (without background) now, did you train with a background?

> @apchenstu could you elaborate a bit more on why it cannot handle background? Thank you!! Basically, we didn't model the background, please refer to the limitation section in our...