Results 89 comments of Anpei Chen

You can follow the instructions [here]( an inverse rendering of portrait segmaps. For real images, you can parse your portrait images into segmaps with existing face-parsers, but please notice that...

Hi there, thanks, both of these functions can be used for training and rendering, you could use any of them~

Thanks, sorry, I also haven't tested the speed, you can download and try.

Please refer this [function](, thanks.

Hi, you can follow the instructions in the [NSVF repo](, then set the dataset_name to 'tankstemple'.

I have updated the readme, please try again with the instruction :)

Did you mean view-dependent RGB values? That would be a good idea I think, but I am struggling with other things recently:(

Yeah, point cloud sometimes is really useful, actually, you could convert the depth maps and the color result into point could in a simple way from [here]( You could convert...