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Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more

Results 182 mxnet issues
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## Description ## (Complete-er version of PR #21223) `bool` replaces `np.bool`, a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`; fixes #21165 Bug symptom: Importing `mxnet` with `numpy` 1.20+ results in AttributeError:...

Dear MXNet community, I would like to start a conversation about the future of Apache MXNet and where we should head next. # What we built Apache MXNet is an...


Hi there, I pip install mxnet-cu110==2.0.0a0 in my conda environment and when i try to run this code:, dirname=self.model_dir) I got this error: File "recognition/", line 42, in __download...

needs triage

## Description ## Importing mxnet with numpy 1.20+ results in > AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'. `np.bool` was a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To avoid this...


## Description Flash Attention 2 is a library that provides attention operation kernels for faster and more memory efficient inference and training: ## References - [list known implementations](

Feature request

## Description Trying to build MXNet for the first time (for me), and then building the PERL binding. All went fine with no errors, but when I try to load...


``` import mxnet as mx json = "{\"nodes\":[{\"op\":\"null\",\"name\":\".Inputs.Input\",\"inputs\":[]\ },{\"op\":\"Reshape\",\"name\":\".Nodes.1$0\",\"attrs\":{\"shape\":\"(\ -3, -2)\"},\"inputs\":[[0,0,0]]},{\"op\":\"null\",\"name\":\".Nodes.1.\ Parameters.Net.Arrays.Weights\",\"inputs\":[]},{\"op\":\"null\",\"\ name\":\".Nodes.1.Parameters.Net.Arrays.Biases\",\"inputs\":[]},{\"op\ \":\"Convolution\",\"name\":\".Nodes.1.Parameters.Net\",\"attrs\":{\"\ cudnn_off\":\"0\",\"dilate\":\"(1, 1)\",\"kernel\":\"(1, \ 1)\",\"layout\":\"None\",\"no_bias\":\"False\",\"num_filter\":\"200\",\ \"num_group\":\"1\",\"pad\":\"(0, 0)\",\"stride\":\"(1, \ 1)\"},\"inputs\":[[1,0,0],[2,0,0],[3,0,0]]},{\"op\":\"reshape_like\",\ \"name\":\".Nodes.1$1\",\"attrs\":{\"lhs_begin\":\"0\",\"lhs_end\":\"\ 1\",\"rhs_begin\":\"0\",\"rhs_end\":\"2\"},\"inputs\":[[4,0,0],[0,0,0]\ ]},{\"op\":\"Reshape\",\"name\":\".Nodes.2$0\",\"attrs\":{\"shape\":\"\ (0, 2, 200)\"},\"inputs\":[[5,0,0]]},{\"op\":\"_copy\",\"name\":\".\ Outputs.Output\",\"inputs\":[[6,0,0]]}],\"arg_nodes\":[0,2,3],\"heads\ \":[[7,0,0]]}"...

needs triage

Updating scipy package to remove vulnerability ## Description ## Updating scipy package to 1.11.3 to remove all the vulnerabilities associated with older version ## Checklist ## ### Essentials ### -...


## Description when I use pip install mxnet, it tries to install version 1.7.0 and crashes due to trying to install an old numpy version. When I try to install...

needs triage

Adding this conversational UI would enable people to 'talk' directly with the backend and API requests to be carried out more effectively. RAG can help with some of the problems...

Feature request