
Results 22 issues of Al

First of all, great implementation, just removed a redundant google maps component and this pigeon is blazing fast ! I was wondering if there is an ability to automatically fit...

Awesome work on the project! Just wondering if you are planning to add any examples on using this with Vue based projects?

help wanted

It seems like this repo is not under active maintenance - are there any updates regarding the implementation roadmap that was planned back in May ?

## Proposed changes - Adding a url to a repo with a tiny bash script that sets up localai with gpt4all and tweaks autogp4 to run against localhost

**Describe the bug** Main domain at is down, any ETA on when its to be expected to be resolved? **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to...


**Describe the bug** The following repo was specifically created to outline a reproducible environment with the bug I am not sure of the root cause but it is something...

I am getting an error when executing tealer against a simple approval.clear program. The --exclude flag as documented on this repo accepts a list of comma separated detector names. Hovewer...

Hey folks, I recall in older version there was a PeraWalletNetwork object that could be passed to connect method to specify chainID. This has been refactored in latest versions but...

Please consider addressing these two closed issues: Despite being resolved, peraconnect still doesn't work with vite and its due to walletconnect bug. ## How to replicate? 1. Pick...

Any roadmap plans for adding wallet connect v2 support?