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Vite support

Open aorumbayev opened this issue 1 year ago • 14 comments

Please consider addressing these two closed issues:

Despite being resolved, peraconnect still doesn't work with vite and its due to walletconnect bug.

How to replicate?

  1. Pick any vite starter for vue, react or any other stack that is compatible with peraconnect at the moment
  2. Run connect on perawallet class
  3. Observe ws does not work in the browser. Browser clients must use the native WebSocket object

Related issues

aorumbayev avatar Jan 07 '23 18:01 aorumbayev


spencercap avatar Jan 12 '23 03:01 spencercap


tulustul avatar Jan 20 '23 10:01 tulustul


Patryqss avatar Jan 20 '23 10:01 Patryqss


mploux avatar Feb 19 '23 11:02 mploux


envin3 avatar Feb 21 '23 14:02 envin3


MarcelaOlszak avatar Mar 08 '23 08:03 MarcelaOlszak

Hello, we couldn't find any workarounds to solve this issue with Vite 2.x and Vite 3.x. The only solution seems to upgrade to Vite 4.x

mucahit avatar Mar 08 '23 10:03 mucahit

Vite 3 (maybe 2) projects can use the define plugin in your vite.config.

 export default defineConfig({
    define: {
        "global": "globalThis",
     plugins: [

Fixes things for when you are running vite for development. For builds, I had problems with the replacement in my own code so I removed the top level define in favor of depending on rollup-plugin-define. So I have a new plugin.

import define from 'rollup-plugin-define';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
            replacements: {
                "global": "globalThis",
           include: "node_modules/@walletconnect/**/*"

Still working on a full solution. I assume the real problem here is in WalletConnect. Barring that, it's better in perawallet/connect's rollup.config than in each of our projects.

MacroChip avatar Mar 14 '23 21:03 MacroChip

Vite 4 still had the problem for me. I found a solution that does not need rollup-plugin-define.

define: {
    "global.WebSocket": "globalThis.WebSocket",

MacroChip avatar Mar 14 '23 23:03 MacroChip

I believe upgrading from walletconnect v1 to v2 would fix this issue (as you can see by my mention). There seem to be lots of changes in v2!

MacroChip avatar Mar 15 '23 20:03 MacroChip

I was referred to this issue--I believe I may have found a workaround after much hair-pulling:


    <div id="root"></div>
      global = globalThis

As of right now, I have a web app working with Pera Connect & Defly Connect (which is a fork of Pera) using Vite 4.3.9 and SolidJS.

Although I did try various Vite plugins, nothing would make both dev and build both work. Simply adding that bit into the html did, though.

SilentRhetoric avatar Jun 10 '23 03:06 SilentRhetoric

@SilentRhetoric Does global.WebSocket = globalThis.WebSocket work instead of replacing the entire global object?

MacroChip avatar Aug 08 '23 23:08 MacroChip

@SilentRhetoric Does global.WebSocket = globalThis.WebSocket work instead of replacing the entire global object?

@MacroChip Replacing global = globalThis with global.WebSocket = globalThis.WebSocket produced the following error:

index.ts:19 Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined at node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@walletconnect/socket-transport/dist/esm/index.js (index.ts:19:7) at __init (chunk-W7S2ME4R.js?v=333133d0:15:56) at node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@walletconnect/core/dist/esm/index.js (index.ts:48:1) at __init (chunk-W7S2ME4R.js?v=333133d0:15:56) at node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@walletconnect/client/dist/esm/index.js (index.ts:1:1) at __init (chunk-W7S2ME4R.js?v=333133d0:15:56) at node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@perawallet/connect/dist/index-b2e0f2c4.js (index-b2e0f2c4.js:1:20) at __require2 (chunk-W7S2ME4R.js?v=333133d0:18:50) at node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@perawallet/connect/dist/index.js (index.js:1:75) at __require2 (chunk-W7S2ME4R.js?v=333133d0:18:50)

SilentRhetoric avatar Aug 09 '23 02:08 SilentRhetoric

for whomever still needs help w this one, we've successfully been using Pera in vue + vite webapps for a while now and just open-sourced a small package that helps manage wallet connections.

check out any-wallet (you can also target multiple wallet types at once if desired)

spencercap avatar Sep 27 '23 15:09 spencercap