Hello, Here is the error given at the end of compilation. 7>F:/CPPs/myproject/source/Party3rd/tbb/build/tbb.def(688): fatal error LNK1118: syntax error in 'message("TBB' statement The line where error comes in .def file is located...
solvePnp得出结果后,想用R和t计算出2d来再与 solvePnP中用的2d点求误差 高博代码里看到solvePnP中用的实际是 (X/Z, Y/Z, 1) * depth/5000 可以理解为相机坐标系罢,这里的疑问是求出来的R和t如果计算误差的话 一组2d是solvePnP时已知 一组2d应该是由KTPw得到 Pw怎么到呢 肯定不是R.inv() Pc - t这种没意义的计算 请指点一下
Hello, I tried running the example template-matching-visp.cpp with successful compilation. The file name is given by an absolute path such as d:\\visp\\build\\vids\\bruegel.mpg. The exception come out at, see snapshots...
{ "error": { "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.", "type": "insufficient_quota", "param": null, "code": null } } Message from Too many request!...
Hello, Working on this began 2 day ago but failed to implement one. I have duplicated a demo and re-configure it as a single project. For example, the simpleplot or...
Hi, I tried to understand kinematics after I found your project here. Some problems stop me to go further. Here I upload some contents of different papers talking about kinematics....
Hello, I am working on visual servo research. In order to locate an approximate position of the object, I am looking for approach related to template tracking and found your...