
Results 6 issues of aoko-sys

How to display the images taken by RGB camera in HL2?

师兄您好!这篇论文One-Step Multi-View Spectral Clustering的代码链接失效了,您那边有没有这篇论文代码跟数据的备份?

博主您好! 我研读了您focalloss.py的代码,如果label是otherwise而不是1,我看代码好像并没有计算相应的损失值。 请问如果label是otherwise是不需要计算损失吗?

Dear Sir For your Gradient Harmonized single-stage Detector paper, for the classification branch, If y_true.shape= (B, N, class_num), class_num=80 classes, I'm using MSCOCO dataset, Can you apply the code of...

up主!我训练到一半报错了! ![image](

How can I just get the video, camera matrix, and projection matrix? Your project is very good, but for me, I only need one of them, I don't need laser...