@tletie Hi, What are the versions of Unity and MRTK?
Will this plugin run on Hololens2? If not, are there any other solutions? 发自我的iPhone ------------------ Original ------------------ From: tletie ***@***.***> Date: Wed,May 12,2021 9:10 PM To: VulcanTechnologies/HoloLensCameraStream ***@***.***> Cc: aoko-sys...
@Verm4 I have the same issue when Debug or release for HL2. have you managed to resolve this issue?
师兄,只有百度网盘提取码,百度网盘链接呢? ***@***.*** 发件人: wangsiwei2010 发送时间: 2021-04-08 18:07 收件人: wangsiwei2010/awesome-multi-view-clustering 抄送: aoko-sys; Author 主题: Re: [wangsiwei2010/awesome-multi-view-clustering] 关于One-Step Multi-View Spectral Clustering (#2) 代码已经被重新更新,百度网盘提取码1234 — You are receiving this because you authored the...
已找到链接,谢谢师兄!这篇论文的数据集您有吗?特别是哪个flower的数据集 ***@***.*** 发件人: wangsiwei2010 发送时间: 2021-04-08 18:07 收件人: wangsiwei2010/awesome-multi-view-clustering 抄送: aoko-sys; Author 主题: Re: [wangsiwei2010/awesome-multi-view-clustering] 关于One-Step Multi-View Spectral Clustering (#2) 代码已经被重新更新,百度网盘提取码1234 — You are receiving this because you authored the...
博主,您有跑过One-Step Multi-View Spectral Clustering这篇论文的代码吗?我想问一下您给的源代码里面数据BBC2vCl是用什么归一化的生成的?
我的意思是如果样本y_true=[0,1,0,0],预测标签是y_pred=[0.1,0.7,0.2,0.0]那么这样应该怎么计算损失函数? 是把y_true=[0,1,0,0]转换成【1】这样吗?
关于代码: preds_logsoft = F.log_softmax(preds, dim=1) # log_softmax preds_softmax = torch.exp(preds_logsoft) # softmax 为什么经过log_softmax( )之后 ,还需要加torch.exp()?