Cosimo Lupo

Results 421 comments of Cosimo Lupo

as a newbie to vim, I find myself reaching for the mouse quite often. I'd love to see this feature implemented :)

@peritus Yes, please! The only reason a `bump2version` exists is to be able to upload it to PyPI under a different name.

Thank you! I'll let you know if I find something interesting.

I wonder why this patch was never backported in the end?

I set it via xorg.conf, here is my configuration file "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-mtrack.conf" ``` Section "InputClass" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Identifier "Touchpads" Driver "mtrack" Option "AccelerationProfile" "2" Option "AdaptiveDeceleration" "2" Option "VelocityScale" "1.9" Option...

I pulled the latest master and did the usual incantation (./configure && make && sudo make install) but the issue is still present, nothing seems to have changed :(

is it something in my settings (pasted above) maybe?

they are not "invalid", they simply aren't installable on a local OS. In web fonts, the name table is completely ignored by the browsers.

that a "web" font cannot be installed on a desktop OS is actually a feature ;)