Leo Lahti
Leo Lahti
How shall we proceed in order to get this solved - any suggestion?
Here note that some DA methods (at least Maaslin2 I think but also others, perhaps aldex or ancombc) do include Wilcoxon test in a well polished form. It might be...
Also cite the new BIRDMAn DA method?
Related to #503
@YihanLiu4023 would you have a chance to update your contributed multiomics chapters to support TreeSE/MAE data structures (the core of OMA)?
Also see https://github.com/microbiome/mia/pull/197
Bioconductor devel version for philr package is now supporting TreeSE. - Add/update philr example/s in OMA. The [philr vignette](https://github.com/jsilve24/philr/blob/master/vignettes/philr-intro.Rmd) includes an example that could be used. - Consider adding wrapper...
@ShadmanIshraq could you check if it is possible to load the microbial abundance data and sample metadata from this paper, and create script that arranges it into TreeSummarizedExperiment format? If...