The position is in CAM's basic container, see its `referencePosition` field: `cam->asn1()->cam.camParameters.basicContainer.referencePosition` Please open a new issue ticket if you have a specific question. _Originally posted by @riebl in
Hello @riebl. I'm trying to control vehicles via `VehicleController`. I'm calling `VehicleController.h` functions in `CaService` to stop a car. When I use `get` function it works perfectly: `auto& vehicle =...
Hello @riebl. I am trying to avoid collision both Intersection and Longitudinal using CAM messages. Is there any method in artery that detects there is going to be a collision?
Hi @riebl . I'm using `` to create another service. But I don't know how to get de CAM message from` CaService`. In `ExampleService::receiveSignal` there is `cObject*`. Have I to...
I'm trying to understand deeply the communication architecture between **CARLA and ROS** and I cannot find much information about the **TCP socket** connection between these two parties. I understand that...