anlex N

Results 69 comments of anlex N

@ErisDS when to merge? I am reviewing the repo step by step. So many source codes can be **decreased**. So many source codes can be **refactored** by modern syntax!

so please update this repo.

so amazing. whether it means nativescript embrace "web component" standard?

@iamabs2001 where to find your effect of ionic?

i think ionic is based on webview, what size is its webview? and nativescript is based on v8 engine, what size your v8 android and ios engine?

where to find your 3mb data? do you know ionic webview size?

@iamabs2001 please reply my twitter, i wait for you so long time, so sad.

i want to use msys2, my msys2 have had g++ toolchain, how to do in vscode?