anlex N

Results 69 comments of anlex N

please rewrite d3 in es2015+ syntax

can you please release binary in your github project? i don't want to do it @Delapouite . Now , i want to quickly try and try

ok, now we can support 64bit directly.

i think it is ok, please merge. when to merge?

good idea. @dead-horse can we make koa v3 branch to develop? @tinovyatkin can we together do it?

![image]( ![image]( ![image]( ![image]( [2020-12-31T02_53_26_603Z-debug.log]( i am in windows 10, node 15.2.1, npm 7.0.8. i use powershell not git bash, it is also this problem. help me, please.

i don't do it. i wait stencil to fix.

@express team, please rewritten codebase in es2015+

why let error handing must be async? i think this step is wrong.

@express team, please rewritten codebase in es2015+