Ankur Desai
Ankur Desai
On a similar note - the International Soil Carbon Network has a new website hosted by LBNL with a searchable database of soil C profiles:
@mccabete Yes, the function expect RH has a proportion 0-1. e this estimates the vapor pressure as a proportion of saturation vapor pressure, that proportion is rh
Yes, Ameriflux changed their API for access for Ameriflux, Fluxnet, Fluxnet2015 data earlier in 2022. There was a thread on this, somewhere, but will reproduce here. I think we updated...
met.process is such a swiss army knife that I agree it is a useful standalone tool and cloud compatible (reprise of browndog functionality?). From that perspective, I would be in...
Day of year should start with 1 to represent Jan 1. Also watch out for timezone shifts. Shifting from UTC to CST or EST or vice versa is another source...
I think the met2model.ED2 code needs a fix, but checking here first if it makes sense. @istfer @crollinson Backstory: New visiting student Xiaowu is trying to run her site with...