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Anki-Android copied to clipboard

AnkiDroid: Anki flashcards on Android. Your secret trick to achieve superhuman information retention.

Results 551 Anki-Android issues
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## Current Problem AnkiDroid utilizes Anki strings, which are typically in Title Case. However, AnkiDroid strings are predominantly in Sentence case, resulting in inconsistent strings. ## Solution Changing Title cases...

Good First Issue!

### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [X] This bug does not occur in the...


## Purpose / Description Adding Up Analytical widget provider class for Deck Picker Widget . ## How Has This Been Tested? [[GSoC'24] Implementation of Deck Picker Widget . #16450 ](

Needs Second Approval

### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### What are the steps to reproduce this bug? 1. Create a card with the following contents on...


We need to decide on a path, then implement it. I suspect a machine account is the way to go ---- > ### Restrictions on repository forks > > GitHub...


### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [ ] This bug does not occur in...

Can't reproduce
Needs Triage

> I can't use "check media" on the latest beta. Is it a problem others have encountered? > I have tried **restarting the device, clearing my catch. have checked database/empty...

Can't reproduce

### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [X] This bug does not occur in the...

Needs Triage
Card Template Editor

Running on bdff91ce43c3280a7a88412f76cf5edca4d6e358 I just opened a deck and got this message. I believe at the very least that if we display error message, we should add some informations such...


### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [X] This bug does not occur in the...

Needs Triage