Anki-Android icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Anki-Android copied to clipboard

AnkiDroid: Anki flashcards on Android. Your secret trick to achieve superhuman information retention.

Results 551 Anki-Android issues
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### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [x] This bug does not occur in the...

Needs Triage

## Purpose / Description sentence casing ## Fixes * Fixes #16120 ## Checklist _Please, go through these checks before submitting the PR._ - [x] You have a descriptive commit message...

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## Purpose / Description This feature aims to enhance the CardTemplateEditor by adding a TemplatePreviewerFragment. This will allow users to preview card templates in real-time, improving the usability and efficiency...

Needs Review

Examine APK size on release builds, should be as small as possible Currently has some bloat in there ### (Optional) Anything else you want to share? - there is an...

Needs Triage

## Purpose / Description In PermissionActivity, the permission item is not fully touchable, unlike in the settings. ## Approach setOnClickListener on root layout. ## How Has This Been Tested?

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### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [x] This bug does not occur in the...

Needs Triage

### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [X] This bug does not occur in the...

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Needs Triage

### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [ ] This bug does not occur in...

Needs Triage

After updating the FSRS parameters and clicking Save, the memory states of all cards in that preset are updated. For this, Anki shows a progress: But, AnkiDroid just says "Processing"....

While using the app, a popup saying "Processing" randomly appears on the screen. I suspect this indicates that AnkiDroid is creating a backup. If it is so, either this should...
