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Anki-Android copied to clipboard

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Results 551 Anki-Android issues
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Unit tests for the `common` module don't run in CI ---- if we have tests and they're just not running that's a "sad miss" because the tests are already there,...


### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [X] This bug does not occur in the...

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Good First Issue!
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First, I wanted to replace `isEmpty` by `containsNoCard`. It seems interesting to note that this may still contains non-default note-type and decks, and still consider the collection empty. This makes...

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## Purpose / Description .avi media file playback ## Fixes Fixes #15772 ## Approach We used the ffmpeg LTS library to enable codec conversion in the .avi file. This is...

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On top of: * #16534 ## Purpose / Description - Cloze number to increment only in Increment mode - Show discard change dialog if there are any changes - Share...

Needs Second Approval

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] - Sometimes I want...

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Card Browser

Please make Cyrillic text search case insensitive. Suggested way with "re:" or "w:" is not very convenient as I must press to many buttons. If it's possible, using of a...

Card Browser

## Purpose / Description Added a new vertical dialog that can be binded to a command, that shows all flags and let's user change it while reviewing. How Has This...

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### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [X] This bug does not occur in the...

Needs Triage

### Checked for duplicates? - [X] This issue is not a duplicate ### Does it also happen in the desktop version? - [ ] This bug does not occur in...

Needs Triage