
Results 70 comments of angrykoala

@darrellwarde I may be wrong, but according to the examples provided and the name of this issue, it seems clear that this does not refer to a new "sort" directive,...

Changesets are missing. This PR should have a **minor** update on `@neo4j/graphql` and a **patch** update on `@neo4j/cypher-builder`

For reference, this is the cypher generated: ```cypher MATCH (this:`MPGXpjjyUser`) WHERE = $param0 CALL { WITH this UNWIND apoc.cypher.runFirstColumnMany("MATCH (this)-[a:WROTE]->(wrote:StWEgKpEPost) WHERE a.date_added IS NOT NULL WITH COLLECT(wrote{ .*, date_added:...

This seems to be a hard limitation on using `@cypher` with unions, as we need to return the nodes from the `@cypher` to be able to use labels, but in...

Same problem with Ubuntu 16.04, node 4.4.5 and markdown-pdf 7.0.0

Hi @AnsonHwang86 I like this idea, we will be evaluating different approaches for this shortly. Sorry for taking this long to give an update on this :pray:

Technically we don't need jest 30, but the inline snapshots will look [wonky](

I've been working on reproducing this issue with the following in Neo4j 5: _Typedefs_ ```graphql interface Parent { id: String label: String } type Child1 implements Parent { id: String...

A proposal design for this will be discussed in

Please, provide link to the relevant information about Automa