
Results 66 comments of angrykoala

Thanks for your contribution, Please, add :lock: and :moneybag: emojis

Hi @minhthanh3145 Thanks for letting me know about this tool. Please feel free to create a pull request if you want

Link to kasaya is broken 😢 . I'll rename the issue to only mention Taiko

Hi @Afshar07 Thanks, that's ok 👍 The idea is to, somehow, add the changes of latest version in the [downloads page]( At the moment, the downloads page performs an http...

@Afshar07 If it is not too much hassle, I'd prefer using [remark]( or other framework-agnostic tool. If you fin that to be too much work to integrate, then react-markdown is...

@Afshar07 I've unassigned you due to inactivity, so other people may take on this issue, feel free to comment if you are still planning on working on this 😄

This can implemented relatively easily as a global setting, applied to **all** terminals. Note that, if a setting is set, it should **override** theme option. A decent color picker should...

Hi @VictorGrycuk First of, I need to clear up that, unlike azure pipelines or other software, Gaucho is intended to be used manually, not automatically, so maybe consider using scripting...

Hi @VictorGrycuk No worries, I knew what you meant, I was just clarifying the intended scope of gaucho :smile:, as I said, I think your suggestion is a reasonable one...

@VictorGrycuk I know this is not the point of your comment, but remember that you can create a single task in gaucho along with && (may depend if you are...