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fix(deps): update dependency prettier to v3

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 1 year ago • 5 comments

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
prettier (source) ^2.7.1 -> ^3.0.0 age adoption passing confidence
prettier (source) 2.8.8 -> 3.3.3 age adoption passing confidence

[!WARNING] Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the Dependency Dashboard for more information.

Release Notes

prettier/prettier (prettier)


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Add parentheses for nullish coalescing in ternary (#​16391 by @​cdignam-segment)

This change adds clarity to operator precedence.

// Input
foo ? bar ?? foo : baz;
foo ?? bar ? a : b;
a ? b : foo ?? bar;

// Prettier 3.3.2
foo ? bar ?? foo : baz;
foo ?? bar ? a : b;
a ? b : foo ?? bar;

// Prettier 3.3.3
foo ? (bar ?? foo) : baz;
(foo ?? bar) ? a : b;
a ? b : (foo ?? bar);
Add parentheses for decorator expressions (#​16458 by @​y-schneider)

Prevent parentheses around member expressions or tagged template literals from being removed to follow the stricter parsing rules of TypeScript 5.5.

// Input
@​(foo`tagged template`)
class X {}

// Prettier 3.3.2
@​foo`tagged template`
class X {}

// Prettier 3.3.3
@​(foo`tagged template`)
class X {}
Support @let declaration syntax (#​16474 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Adds support for Angular v18 @let declaration syntax.

Please see the following code example. The @let declaration allows you to define local variables within the template:

@​let name = 'Frodo';

<h1>Dashboard for {{name}}</h1>
Hello, {{name}}

For more details, please refer to the excellent blog post by the Angular Team: Introducing @​let in Angular.

We also appreciate the Angular Team for kindly answering our questions to implement this feature.


Compare Source


Fix handlebars path expressions starts with @ (#​16358 by @​Princeyadav05)
{{! Input }}

{{! Prettier 3.3.1 }}

{{! Prettier 3.3.2 }}


Compare Source


Preserve empty lines in front matter (#​16347 by @​fisker)
<!-- Input -->
  - bar1

  - bar2

  - bar3

<!-- Prettier 3.3.0 -->

  - bar1
  - bar2
  - bar3


<!-- Prettier 3.3.1 -->
  - bar1

  - bar2

  - bar3

Preserve explicit language in front matter (#​16348 by @​fisker)
<!-- Input -->
title: Hello
slug: home

<!-- Prettier 3.3.0 -->
title: Hello
slug: home

<!-- Prettier 3.3.1 -->
title: Hello
slug: home
Avoid line breaks in import attributes (#​16349 by @​fisker)
// Input
import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" };

// Prettier 3.3.0
import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type:
  "json" };

// Prettier 3.3.1
import something from "./some-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-very-long-path.json" with { type: "json" };


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🔗 Release Notes


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Support Angular inline styles as single template literal (#​15968 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Angular v17 supports single string inline styles.

// Input
  template: `<div>...</div>`,
  styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.4
  template: `<div>...</div>`,
  styles: `h1 { color: blue; }`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.5
  template: `<div>...</div>`,
  styles: `
    h1 {
      color: blue;
export class AppComponent {}

Unexpected embedded formatting for Angular template (#​15969 by @​JounQin)

Computed template should not be considered as Angular component template

// Input
const template = "foobar";

  [template]: `<h1>{{       hello }}</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.4
const template = "foobar";

  [template]: `<h1>{{ hello }}</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {}

// Prettier 3.2.5
const template = "foobar";

  [template]: `<h1>{{       hello }}</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {}
Use "json" parser for tsconfig.json by default (#​16012 by @​sosukesuzuki)

In v2.3.0, we introduced "jsonc" parser which adds trialing comma by default.

When adding a new parser we also define how it will be used based on the linguist-languages data.

tsconfig.json is a special file used by TypeScript, it uses .json file extension, but it actually uses the JSON with Comments syntax. However, we found that there are many third-party tools not recognize it correctly because of the confusing .json file extension.

We decide to treat it as a JSON file for now to avoid the extra configuration step.

To keep using the "jsonc" parser for your tsconfig.json files, add the following to your .pretterrc file

  "overrides": [
      "files": ["tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json"],
      "options": {
        "parser": "jsonc"


Compare Source


Fix incorrect parser inference (#​15947 by @​fisker)

Files like .eslintrc.json were incorrectly formatted as JSONC files.

// Input
prettier --file-info .eslintrc.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" }

// Prettier 3.2.4
prettier --file-info .eslintrc.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "json" }


Compare Source


Throw errors for invalid code (#​15881 by @​fisker, @​Josh-Cena, @​auvred)
// Input

// Prettier 3.2.2

// Prettier 3.2.3
SyntaxError: Invalid left-hand side expression in unary operation (1:1)
> 1 | 1++;
    | ^
// Input
try {} catch (error = 1){}

// Prettier 3.2.2
try {
} catch (error) {}

// Prettier 3.2.3
SyntaxError: Catch clause variable cannot have an initializer. (1:23)
> 1 | try {} catch (error = 1){}
    |                       ^
Fix parser inference (#​15927 by @​fisker)
// Prettier 3.2.2
prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "json" }

// Prettier 3.2.3
prettier --file-info tsconfig.json
{ "ignored": false, "inferredParser": "jsonc" }


Compare Source


Fix crash when parsing template literal CSS in a JSX style tag using a spread attribute (#​15896 by @​eelco)

For example this code would crash before:

<style {...spread}>{`.{}`}</style>
Fix formatting error on optional call expression and member chain (#​15920 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
a(() => {}, c?.d());

// Prettier 3.2.1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 3.2.2
a(() => {}, c?.d());


Compare Source


Fix formatting error on member chain (#​15915 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input

// Prettier 3.2.0
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')

// Prettier 3.2.1


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🔗 Release Notes


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Fix config file search (#​15363 by @​fisker)

Previously, we start search for config files from the filePath as a directory, if it happened to be a directory and contains config file, it will be used by mistake.

├─ .prettierrc
└─ test.js         (A directory)
  └─ .prettierrc
// Prettier 3.1.0
await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url));
// <CWD>/test.js/.prettierrc

// Prettier 3.1.1
await prettier.resolveConfigFile(new URL("./test.js", import.meta.url));
// <CWD>/.prettierrc
Skip explicitly passed symbolic links with --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern (#​15533 by @​sanmai-NL)

Since Prettier v3, we stopped following symbolic links, however in some use cases, the symbolic link patterns can't be filtered out, and there is no way to prevent Prettier from throwing errors.

In Prettier 3.1.1, you can use --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern to simply skip symbolic links.

Consistently use tabs in ternaries when useTabs is true (#​15662 by @​auvred)
// Input
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
	  ? ddddddddddddddd
	  : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
	    ? fffffffffffffff
	    : gggggggggggggggg;

// Prettier 3.1.0
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
	  ? ddddddddddddddd
	  : eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
	    ? fffffffffffffff
	    : gggggggggggggggg;

// Prettier 3.1.1
	? bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
	: ccccccccccccccc
		? ddddddddddddddd
		: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
			? fffffffffffffff
			: gggggggggggggggg;
Improve config file search (#​15663 by @​fisker)

The Prettier config file search performance has been improved by more effective cache strategy.

Fix unstable and ugly formatting for comments in destructuring patterns (#​15708 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
const {
  // bar
  // baz
}: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.0
const {
} // bar
// baz
: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.0 second output
const {
  foo1, // bar
} // baz
: Foo = expr;

// Prettier 3.1.1
const {
  // bar
  // baz
}: Foo = expr;
Support "Import Attributes" (#​15718 by @​fisker)

TypeScript 5.3 supports the latest updates to the import attributes proposal.

import something from "./something.json" with { type: "json" };
Fix false claim in docs that cursorOffset is incompatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd (#​15750 by @​ExplodingCabbage)

The cursorOffset option has in fact been compatible with rangeStart/rangeEnd for over 5 years, thanks to work by @​ds300. However, Prettier's documentation (including the CLI --help text) continued to claim otherwise, falsely. The documentation is now fixed.

Keep curly braces and from keyword in empty import statements (#​15756 by @​fisker)
// Input
import { } from 'foo';
import { /* comment */ } from 'bar';

// Prettier 3.1.0
import {} from "foo";
import /* comment */ "bar";

// Prettier 3.1.1
import {} from "foo";
import {} from /* comment */ "bar";
Keep empty import attributes and assertions (#​15757 by @​fisker)
// Input
import foo from "foo" with {};
import bar from "bar" assert {};

// Prettier 3.1.0
import foo from "foo";
import bar from "bar";

// Prettier 3.1.1
import foo from "foo" with {};
import bar from "bar" assert {};


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🔗 Release Notes


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Add preferUnplugged: true to package.json (#​15169 by @​fisker and @​so1ve)

Prettier v3 uses dynamic imports, user will need to unplug Prettier when Yarn's PnP mode is enabled, add preferUnplugged: true to package.json, so Yarn will install Prettier as unplug by default.

Support shared config that forbids require() (#​15233 by @​fisker)

If an external shared config package is used, and the package exports don't have require or default export.

In Prettier 3.0.2 Prettier fails when attempt to require() the package, and throws an error.

Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in <packageName>/package.json
Allow argument of require() to break (#​15256 by @​fisker)
// Input
const plugin = require(
    ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
    : path.join(__dirname, "..")

// Prettier 3.0.2
const plugin = require(global.STANDALONE
  ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
  : path.join(__dirname, ".."));

// Prettier 3.0.3
const plugin = require(
    ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js")
    : path.join(__dirname, "..")
Do not print trailing commas in arrow function type parameter lists in ts code blocks (#​15286 by @​sosukesuzuki)
<!-- Input -->
const foo = <T>() => {}

<!-- Prettier 3.0.2 -->
const foo = <T,>() => {}

<!-- Prettier 3.0.3 -->
const foo = <T>() => {}
Support TypeScript 5.2 using / await using declaration (#​15321 by @​sosukesuzuki)

Support for the upcoming Explicit Resource Management feature in ECMAScript. using / await using declaration

   using foo = new Foo();
   await using bar = new Bar();


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Break after = of assignment if RHS is poorly breakable AwaitExpression or YieldExpression (#​15204 by @​seiyab)
// Input
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData);

// Prettier 3.0.1
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(

// Prettier 3.0.2
const { section, rubric, authors, tags } =
  await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData);
Do not add trailing comma for grouped scss comments (#​15217 by @​auvred)
/* Input */
$foo: (
	'property': (),
	// comment 1
	// comment 2

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
$foo: (
  "property": (),
  // comment 1
  // comment 2,

/* Prettier 3.0.2 */
$foo: (
  "property": (),
  // comment 1
  // comment 2
Print declare and export keywords for nested namespace (#​15249 by @​sosukesuzuki)
// Input
declare namespace abc1.def {}
export namespace abc2.def {}

// Prettier 3.0.1
namespace abc1.def {}
namespace abc2.def {}

// Prettier 3.0.2
declare namespace abc1.def {}
export namespace abc2.def {}


Compare Source


Fix cursor positioning for a special case (#​14812 by @​fisker)
// <|> is the cursor position

/* Input */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {<|>  } from "fs"

/* Prettier 3.0.0 */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the <|>controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {} from "fs"

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
// All messages are represented in JSON.
// So, the controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}".
import {<|>} from "fs"
Fix plugins/estree.d.ts to make it a module (#​15018 by @​kingyue737)

Add export {} in plugins/estree.d.ts to fix the "File is not a module" error

Add parenthesis around leading multiline comment in return statement (#​15037 by @​auvred)
// Input
function fn() {
  return (
     * @&#8203;type {...}
     */ expresssion

// Prettier 3.0.0
function fn() {
  return /**
   * @&#8203;type {...}
   */ expresssion;

// Prettier 3.0.1
function fn() {
  return (
     * @&#8203;type {...}
     */ expresssion
Add support for Vue "Generic Components" (#​15066 by @​auvred)

<!-- Input -->
<script setup lang="ts" generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"></script>

<!-- Prettier 3.0.0 -->
  generic="T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4), U extends string | number | boolean"

<!-- Prettier 3.0.1 -->
    T extends Type1 & Type2 & (Type3 | Type4),
    U extends string | number | boolean
Fix comments print in IfStatement (#​15076 by @​fisker)
function a(b) {
  if (b) return 1; // comment
  else return 2;

/* Prettier 3.0.0 */
Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error!

/* Prettier 3.0.1 */
function a(b) {
  if (b) return 1; // comment
  else return 2;
Add missing type definition for printer.preprocess (#​15123 by @​so1ve)
export interface Printer<T = any> {
  // ...
+ preprocess?:
+   | ((ast: T, options: ParserOptions<T>) => T | Promise<T>)
+   | undefined;
Add missing getVisitorKeys method type definition for Printer (#​15125 by @​auvred)
const printer: Printer = {
  print: () => [],
  getVisitorKeys(node, nonTraversableKeys) {
    return ["body"];
Add typing to support readonly array properties of AST Node (#​15127 by @​auvred)
// Input
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; => "", "readonlyArray");

// Prettier 3.0.0
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; => "", "readonlyArray");
//                  ^ Argument of type '"readonlyArray"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"regularArray"'. ts(2345)

// Prettier 3.0.1
interface TestNode {
  readonlyArray: readonly string[];

declare const path: AstPath<TestNode>; => "", "readonlyArray");
Add space before unary minus followed by a function call (#​15129 by @​pamelalozano)
// Input
div {
  margin: - func();

// Prettier 3.0.0
div {
  margin: -func();

// Prettier 3.0.1
div {
  margin: - func();


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🔗 Release Notes


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - "after 10pm every weekday,before 5am every weekday,every weekend" in timezone Europe/London, Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

  • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR was generated by Mend Renovate. View the repository job log.

renovate[bot] avatar Aug 15 '23 22:08 renovate[bot]

⚠️ No Changeset found

Latest commit: f4b4e1ace9cf7900732412e515c91ac13593f54f

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changeset-bot[bot] avatar Aug 15 '23 22:08 changeset-bot[bot]

Made some changes to the Neo4j GraphQL Toolbox? Or made some changes to the core library perhaps?

Check out your changes at

Use for instance a local dbms hosted on Neo4j Desktop or a cloud-hosted Aura Free dbms.

neo4j-team-graphql avatar Aug 15 '23 23:08 neo4j-team-graphql

Performance Report

No Performance Changes

Show Full Table
name dbHits old dbHits time (ms) old time (ms) maxRows
aggregations.TopLevelAggregate 3403 3403 50 69 1134
aggregations.NestedAggregation 16553 16553 97 124 2174
aggregations.AggregationWithWhere 11979 11979 63 71 2174
aggregations.AggregationWhereWithinNestedRelationships 22116987 22116987 4671 4624 2008534
aggregations.AggregationWhereWithinNestedConnections 22116987 22116987 4469 4369 2008534
aggregations.NestedCountFromMovieToActors 9734 9734 62 70 2174
aggregations.NestedCountFromActorsToMovie 9937 9937 73 71 2174
aggregations.DeeplyNestedCount 13070333 13070331 6289 6845 2008534
batch-create.BatchCreate 4200 4200 229 275 600
batch-create.BatchCreateSmall 77 77 135 102 11
connect.createAndConnect 14424 14424 237 428 3003
connections.Connection 14082 14082 82 100 2174
connections.NestedConnection 45470 45470 151 166 4516
connections.ConnectionWithSort 3284 3284 91 98 1040
connections.ConnectionWithSortAndCypher 16325 16325 149 178 2174
create.SimpleMutation 7 7 85 91 1
cypher-directive.TopLevelMutationDirective 1135 1135 46 66 1134
delete.SimpleDelete 19401 19401 447 389 1040
delete.NestedDeleteInUpdate 19542 19542 308 333 1179
2925.SingleRelationshipFilter 6468 6468 96 82 1040
2925.NestedSingleRelationshipFilter 22900 22900 129 150 2174
2925.SingleRelationshipRequiredFilter 5201 5201 55 64 1040
2925.NestedSingleRelationshipRequiredFilter 9361 9361 79 93 1040
query.SimpleQuery 3121 3121 45 33 1040
query.SimpleQueryWithRelationship 16162 16162 57 82 2174
query.QueryWhere 9710 9699 55 67 2165
query.SimpleQueryWithNestedWhere 9888 9877 76 112 2165
query.Nested 10096041 10096041 12479 12723 2008534
query.NestedWithFilter 10074401 10074401 12063 12734 2004000
query.OrFilterOnRelationships 42391 42188 246 349 1638
query.OrFilterOnRelationshipsAndNested 36125 35434 289 353 1638
query.QueryWithNestedIn 14572 13674 79 94 1608
query.NestedConnectionWhere 9834 9834 85 100 2174
query.DeeplyNestedConnectionWhere 10044 9889 120 182 2174
query.DeeplyNestedWithRelationshipFilters 19248 19134 252 229 1630
query.NestedWithRelationshipSingleFilters 3881 3881 275 364 1134
query.Fulltext 80 80 47 57 16
query.FulltextWithNestedQuery 587 587 66 98 84
sorting.SortMultipleTypes 3515 3515 101 149 1040
sorting.SortMultipleTypesWithCypherWithCypher 14526 14513 124 197 2174
sorting.SortOnNestedFields 14082 14082 69 105 2174
sorting.SortDeeplyNestedFields 43198 43198 119 153 4516
sorting.SortWithTopLevelCypher 3396 3396 104 152 1040
unions.SimpleUnionQuery 321 321 86 93 35
unions.SimpleUnionQueryWithMissingFields 293 293 89 86 35
unions.NestedUnion 410637 410637 383 436 33033
unions.NestedUnionWithMissingFields 384611 384611 565 456 33033
update.NestedUpdate 16143 16143 165 325 2002

Old Schema Generation: 1:04.702 (m:ss.mmm) Schema Generation: 1:02.897 (m:ss.mmm) Old Subgraph Schema Generation: 1:15.666 (m:ss.mmm) Subgraph Schema Generation: 1:13.277 (m:ss.mmm)

neo4j-team-graphql avatar Sep 19 '23 13:09 neo4j-team-graphql

This update requires a Jest update to Jest 30 which will support Prettier v3 >

mjfwebb avatar Jan 24 '24 08:01 mjfwebb

Technically we don't need jest 30, but the inline snapshots will look wonky

angrykoala avatar Mar 22 '24 09:03 angrykoala