Aneta Siemiginowska
Aneta Siemiginowska
I get an error when I tried to use `load_bkg` for a `datastack`. This is in CIAO 4.9 on linux. I do have a file `bkg.lis` in `/data/sherpa/MLE2/QA_CDF/Data2` that I...
The current default statistics is set to chi2gehrels. It is a biased statistics defined for analysis of X-ray spectra and it is not really good for general fitting of the...
This is a copy from my comment in the PR #1486. We have a separate Google Doc with the written requirements for grouping/filtering of the PHA files. Both the...
I see this in both 4.12 and 4.13. 'load_data()` does not recognized the file as a PHA file and 'load_pha()' fails with `Runtime error` I checked and `xspec` reads the...
`plot_pvalue` fails with the `StatErr` for the background model fit simultaneously with the source model as needed for `cstat` and `cash` statistics. The full traceback is below. ``` plot_pvalue(abs1*p1,abs1*(p1+g1), num=10)...
This is a documentation update to fix the incorrect link in the source install example. I also updated the version and DOI link in the description of the source installation.
I've been trying to build the main branch in my git directory and have been having issues. I have made a new conda environment and installed required packages. I have...
I was just looking at the images that were made with a very old version of Sherpa for the Chandra Newsletter in 2001. I'm wondering if we are able to...
Our default option in plot_pvalue is not to use the response files. The interface for multiple data sets with the response file for each of them is confusing. I'm still...