Aneta Siemiginowska
Aneta Siemiginowska
I cannot build the branch with this PR. I don't have issues with master. I get the following error for this branch. ``` python develop Traceback (most recent call...
Just for record keeping. This is issue #822
and the merged PR #469 with more information. It was included in the CIAO 4.11beta 1 (Sep. 2018) release with the release note: > #469 Evaluate model on finer grid...
@dtnguyen2 can you rebase?
I was able to build the code using Dan's branch. I do see the high resolution x-ray grid in the source component, and low resolution in the model component. This...
I should add here that for non-integrated data type `Data1D` the plot_source_component(rb1) is displayed on high-resolution grid, so the issue is only with the integrated data type,`Data1DInt`.
@DougBurke @dtnguyen2 I would like to put this into the release. The issue with the normalization may need to be documented if it cannot be addressed today.
@dtnguyen2 and @DougBurke what are we going to do with this PR? This PR fixes part of the issue in #822 and the non-binned data are now displaying the correct...
I suggest we take this PR as the grids are now displayed correctly. I'll make a separate issue for the problem with normalization.
It might be useful to have this OGIP page for the reference: This page contains a note: > Within XSPEC, Qual=1 and Qual=5 rows will never be accessible and...