Aneil Mallavarapu

Results 27 issues of Aneil Mallavarapu

Adding `[lein-dotenv "RELEASE"]` to my plugins results in this [warning]( ) when I attempt to `lein deploy myrepo`. My project file contains: ```clojure :repositories {"myrepo" {:url "s3p://my-repo-bucket/" :username #=(eval (System/getenv...

It would be useful to be able to generate families with some overlapping medical history.

The Feature class seems like a key conceptual and organizational unit. It's used throughout the code base, but there's no documentation. Adding documentation for this particular item would be pretty...


The man page says "See Event Types", but provides no further information. It would be helpful to see the list of event types and the associated numeric values. For others...

## Library Version(s) 2.0.0-alpha31 ## Problem Swagger can display a [UI]( ) for setting dynamic query parameters, but I can't figure out how to do it with compojure-api. I have...

It would be incredibly handy to be able to filter out unwanted keys from an object based on the schema rather than reporting errors. I noticed the [select-schema]( ) function...

Since most of the relevant information is at the top of a stack trace, it would be nice if the REPL had an option to fold later lines. This would...

Is it possible to configure the Debug Variables view to show the contents of variables instead of the memory address? This is what I currently see: I'd like a way...

When freezing and thawing a nested structure, is there a way to turnoff metadata for one particular type? I have a tree structure which includes clojure.lang.Var. As @atdixon pointed out...

design needed
pull requests welcome

This adds a new schema attribute, billingMode, which can be set to 'PROVISIONED' (the default) or 'PAY_PER_REQUEST', which causes the table to run in On Demand mode. This value can...