Andy Kent
Andy Kent
This project isn't actively maintained at the moment. It should be possible to write a small shim to wrap creek and make it work with Streams but it's not there...
Eeek! Thanks, I'll take a look into this, this week.
I haven't actually use polypage myself in quite a while but am still happy to maintain it. I'll try to take a look tomorrow and fix things up with 1.4.2...
I think we are also seeing this. We have 16 channel 3rd order ambisonic wav files. Encoding seems to work as expected... ``` $ opusenc 16ch.wav 16ch.opus Skipping chunk of...
For anyone stumbling onto this issue, opusfile seems to somewhat intentionally not support mapping family 255 decoding. We have a [branch]( which does have basic support for [one-to-one channel mappings](
I am also hitting issues using `asdf-erlang` on 10.15. Once you get past the SSL stuff I think the recent 1.8.6 changes addresses this and it looks like `kerl...
Thanks so much for the quick fix @mrallen1 and for all your work on kerl. 🙌
@mrallen1 Just reporting back here, I think there are still issues with building on 10.15. More details here I'm more than happy to help try and get this resolved....
@WHUfreeway no, the branch doesn't do any processing like that. If you pass 16 channels in you will get 16 channels out. You would need a renderer of some sort...
Thanks both: - I will try to find some time to take a look at a PR. - Agreed on being opt-out for now so as not to break backwards...