Andy Geers

Results 7 issues of Andy Geers

It seems like quite a bottleneck for complex meshes to keep regenerating brand new BSP trees from scratch for every CSG operation. What if the “storage” on each Mesh was...

The documentation says that only Session-based segments are supported currently, not User-based segments - are there any concrete plans to work to address this? Any ideas how hard this would...

To handle address book groups, I've added some extra code. It behaves as normal unless you use the new constructor, in which case it adds a third tab.

Here's a redesigned version of the calendar month view that looks more like the iOS7 calendar. You can customise the colour of the user interface elements using [TKCalendarMonthView setImageTintColour:[UIColor blueColor]];

Great tool! However the scrolling behaves very strangely if I open it on my iPhone 6

There's three key commits here introducing three improvements: 1. You can now add an optional title to each coachmark, that will be displayed in a different font (default is bold)...