Andy Geers

Results 18 comments of Andy Geers

Thanks for the feedback. Re:your first question, I guess I was assuming that there might be some speed benefit in creating the resulting BSP if I had the originals to...

Actually.... sorry! I just recompiled my app in Release mode rather than debug and rather than taking minutes it now takes seconds. Shall I close this?

Re: generating the BSP up front - I'm not even sure it needs to be done *as soon as you initialise the mesh*. I load a particular "texture" (e.g. my...

So I've been thinking pretty hard about this... (getting to that stage of my project were improving the performance of all the CSG stuff is increasingly my main priority). I...

Quick exploratory test ( suggests that it can be up to 10 times quicker to translate/scale/rotate an existing BSP than to build a new one from scratch. A `merge` operation...

In some ways I don't much mind about the "way more polys than is desirable" issue - since I was just focussed on speeding up the CSG process, and that...

As a simpler scenario than implementing all of this... Here's my current performance bottleneck: I take a wall mesh, and I clip it by four or more planes (currently all...

OK, so I did get it working using an `intersect` rather than clip by plane... Now I just need to progressively build up my BSP during the tiling process. Currently...

So a follow up on this after some more experimentation... I don't actually think there is much/any benefit to be had by progressively building the BSP as you go whilst...

Hmm, yes you're right - I was just thinking about the simple 'create a blank wall' stage which I've been testing against (which is lots of merge operations to tile,...