A. R. S.

Results 29 comments of A. R. S.

Did you make any changes to `.bashrc` or similar startup scripts? Or do you use a different shell like `zsh` or `fish` in WSL? As a quick test to debug...

Thanks for your report. First, it's nice to see that wslgit seems to generally work with IntelliJ, because there is an older issue (#9) which suggests that it does not...

@mbeccati So this issue is also present if you call git inside WSL directly from a .bat file? That suggests that the problem is likely elsewhere, not in wslgit. But...

@tMaxx That sounds good, thanks for investigating. Yes, it would be great to have the exact commands (with inputs) to replicate the issue outside of IntelliJ and compare it with...

`wslgit` uses the default WSL distribution, which you can set via `wsl --set-default`, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/basic-commands#set-default-linux-distribution . There is currently no way to use `wslgit` with multiple distributions at the same...

@dixydo There is now an alpha build available with the changes from @carlolars : https://ci.appveyor.com/project/andy-5/wslgit/build/artifacts Does this work for your use case?

The log looks a bit strange. There are many invocations of git that seem to do nothing (i.e. there is no sub-command like `ls-files` or `remote`). You could try to...

So, according to the video, the problem seems to be that `git log` using `wslgit` does not work if the (relative) path argument contains backslashes, right? I recently added support...

Ok, can you somehow find out the exact command(s) used by PhpStorm for the "show history" function?

And using this small script the history command works? Because this script basically does the same thing as `wslgit`, except it does not translate paths, and therefore shows the exact...