A. R. S.

Results 29 comments of A. R. S.

Thank you for the logs. A quick test did not reveal any errors, however. All of these commands seem to work fine using `wslgit`. I will probably have to compare...

Thanks for sharing your results, very interesting. Didn't expect that native Git on Windows is ~10x slower than Git inside WSL2. And the difference between WSL1 and WSL2 accessing the...

Without more information, it is hard to say what exactly is not working. Is there any way you could get a log of the git commands SourceTree is trying to...

@fengcen Great, thanks for sharing your solution. @VarunAgw Can you confirm that this works? If it works for you, I guess this issue can be closed.

That's too bad. Can you maybe try the latest changes of `wslgit`? Recently, there were some changes to how some special characters are escaped. You can download an alpha build...

Thanks for the update. Getting no errors makes it very hard to fix, as I've got no idea what the actual problem is. I'll re-open this issue to keep track...

@charlwillia6 Just to make sure, when you run something like `wslgit.exe --version` in cmd.exe, what is the exact output? If there is any additional output besides the git version, e.g....

Great, thanks for the feedback. The next release, currently in development in the `develop` branch, will contain a small `install.bat` script that creates a folder structure similar to Git for...

You may try an alpha build of the upcoming version 0.9.0 [available here](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/andy-5/wslgit/build/artifacts). In this version, all paths are handled by `wslpath`, and the working directory is not explicitly changed....

Yes, it would be nice to support these new paths. Right now, `wslgit` assumes that Windows paths start with a drive letter (to translate them into a proper unix path)....