Andrew W. Hill

Results 37 comments of Andrew W. Hill

oh to clarify, these are all for contacts you are already sharing with, of course if you weren't part of any of the same groups, you wouldn't know any of...

probably better in go-textile repo. moving

Ah, okay. So this is the same number that is contained in the URL actually `api/v0/` == `cafe_version: 0`. What I need here is more like the minor version so...

Opened this bug when I saw it on the CLI. But the implications in the mobile ui are here,

In mobile, we are using the accept apis Perhaps in the short term we could let the client specify how far back to walk? Right now, long-ish threads are...

I just repeated this but the flow was a bit different. I get a "file not found" error if I try to join a big & old thread before the...

This looks like the same or a similar issue but perhaps with a different containing layout, so adding here. This is what I see when running the provided demo app...

We are now paging the loading of images. the entire thread history is loaded as json, but images are loaded one page at a time in the UI. i'm going...

at least partially related, i'm seeing an odd error in simulator at times ```11:46:36.512 [warn][tid:main][RCTLocalAssetImageLoader.m:59] Could not find image file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/77FB1F93-6F79-4915-B434-97DD9946AB0F/```