Results 155 issues of Andrew Mackenzie

for ``` // Added in 10.7 // int proc_listallpids(void * buffer, int buffersize) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7, __IPHONE_4_1); // int proc_listpgrppids(pid_t pgrpid, void * buffer, int buffersize) __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7, __IPHONE_4_1); // int proc_listchildpids(pid_t...

Improve overall docs - I need to learn how to properly document modules, structs, traits and functions in rust following the bets guidelines. A couple of functions need descriptions or...

help wanted

Add own error types? use io::Result subtype? stay with Strings?

As mentioned in I don't really like how the external API looks - but I still need to learn rust best practices here. So, sorry if ugly in the...

This builds on That implementation is a simple first implementation of detecting a folder/crate is part of a workspace. But when it detects the "parent" Cargo.toml file with the...

I understand that a child crate in a workspace can include a "workspace" key with a path - that points directly to the workspace root folder (where the workspace's Cargo.toml...

I'd like to have a set of resource files in a lib project, that then get installed as part of the .app bundle when a binary using that lib is...

I have a workspace project with this `Cargo.toml`: ``` [workspace] members = ["flowc", "flowr", "flowrstructs", "provider", "flow_impl", "flow_impl_derive", "flowstdlib", "samples"] default-members = ["flowc"] ``` So that `cargo run` runs `flowc`...

### 🐛 Bug report ``` ❯ wrangler --version 👷 ✨ wrangler 1.13.0 ``` #### Describe the bug wrangler installs and then uses an older version of wasm-pack that the version...


### Summary When I run a similar project in Travis CI I get this error: ``` Running headless tests in Chrome with `/Users/travis/Library/Caches/.wasm-pack/chromedriver-b5d7e439698af816/chromedriver` driver status: signal: 9 driver stdout: Starting...
