Results 155 issues of Andrew Mackenzie

A request for help more than an issue. I'm trying to cross-compile a program using oping for RaspberryPi, following this guide: I don't know how to get pkg-config and...

Sysinfo has a default feature called "multithread" that pulls in rayon as a dependency. I believe this feature is not used by machineid-rs and the dependency could be disabled by...

I was debugging some weirdness in my app ("piggui") and added some logging (println!()) to when it detects edges on inputs. ``` input.set_async_interrupt(Trigger::Both, move |level| { callback(bcm_pin_number, level == Level::High)...


In my build I noticed this, so I thought I'd mention it: ``` cargo build --features "gui" warning: `default_features` is deprecated in favor of `default-features` and will not work in...

feature request