Results 155 issues of Andrew Mackenzie

See if we can compile to WASI the cli context functions, and them to be WASI functions that access STDIO and FS etc? If we can, then they could be...

Due to the protocol between coordinator and client that requires a request/response, when a function executes a blocking IO operation (such as readline), that blocks the parallel execution of other...


Then we could break some data dependencies and have multiple jobs in parallel operating on the same data - with a subsequent resolution phase.

Flow is partitioned and more than one coordinator is involved in it's execution

Build a set of type conversions (for Json Serde values?) and then allow connections to be made between IO of different types and do on the fly type conversion. When...


* Add a tooltip on nodes, inputs, edges with type, or name or other info


Some links from SVG files are wrong There are a number of different cases of links from bubbles in SVG files in flowstdlib and flowsamples: -> provided function (fixed) ->...


For example prime/ to something like this digraph prime { rankdir=TB; node [shape = circle]; // Connections "/prime/args" -> "/prime/to_number" [headlabel=""]; "/prime/to_number" -> "/prime/candidates" [taillabel = "from", headlabel="end"]; "/prime/candidates" ->...
